General Services

Paradise Point Family Medical Centre offers the highest level of care to our valued patients. 

We provide a medical practice for the whole family. Our services include General Consultations, Diabetic Care, Mental Health, Physical Health, Podiatry, Audiology, Psychology, Pathology, Varicose & spider vein removal, Dietary, weight management and nutrition advice, and much more.


Osteoporosis is a common condition affecting over 1 million Australians in which bones become fragile and brittle leading to a higher risk of fractures, than in normal bone. Osteoporosis occurs when bones lose minerals, such as calcium, more quickly than the body can replace them, leading to a loss of bone thickness (bone density or mass). Discuss with your Doctor having a bone density scan.

For more info, go to;

Diabetic Care

85-90% of all people with diabetes have type 2. While it usually affects older adults, more and more younger people, even children, are getting type 2 diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas makes some insulin but it is not produced in the amount your body needs and it does not work effectively. Type 2 diabetes results from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Although there is a strong genetic predisposition, the risk is greatly increased when associated with lifestyle factors such as high blood pressure, overweight or obesity, insufficient physical activity, poor diet and the classic ‘apple shape’ body where extra weight is carried around the waist. Your doctor can help you manage all of this. Many people have diabetes without even knowing it. Around 898,000 Australians (4% of the population) had diabetes in 2007-08. This rate had risen from 1.5% in 1989. 

For more info, go to;

Counselling Advice

Counselling Advice

Counselling can assist individuals, couples and families to improve their relationships. It can also help people deal with their grief and anger and to let go, so that they can move on with a new sense of purpose and optimism. Sometimes life can deal us with a “bad set of circumstances” which are beyond our ability to change. We need help at these times. Talk to your Doctor he can give you some advice. 

For more info, go to;

Asthma Care

Arthritis is an umbrella term for more than 100 medical conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system, specifically joints where two or more bones meet. These conditions cause damage to the joints, usually resulting in pain and stiffness. Arthritis can affect many different parts of the joint and nearly every joint in the body.

Arthritis affects people in different ways but the most common symptoms are:

  • pain
  • stiffness or reduced movement of a joint
  • swelling in a joint
  • redness and warmth in a joint
  • general symptoms, such as tiredness, weight loss or feeling unwell.

See your Doctor for guidance on the management of the condition.

For more info, go to;

Asthma Care


Living with arthritis and remaining as independent as possible is at forefront of our care. Patients with arthritis may experience pain whilst performing activities of daily living, making independence difficult. Our compassionate GP’s can assist with the ongoing management to ensure you’re quality of life is not diminished by arthritic pain. 

For more information speak to your doctor today. 

Smoking Cessation

Most of us know that smoking is not healthy. In fact, smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in Australia. Smokers have a higher rate of diseases compared to non-smokers, including many types of cancers, lung diseases and heart and blood vessel disease.

You might be interested in taking a look at some quick information about the health dangers of smoking. Did you know…

  • Smoking kills half of all people who continue to smoke
  • At least one in four of those people die between the ages of 35-69.
  • A smoker who does not quit loses on average 10 years of their life.
  • Smoking is responsible for about 85% of lung cancers.
  • Smokers are 20 times more likely to develop lung cancer.
  • Smoking increases the risk of heart attack 2-6 times.
  • Smokers are 1.5 to 2 times more likely to have a stroke.
  • Smokers on average are more stressed than non-smokers.
  • Smoking causes premature skin ageing.
  • Smokers are more likely to lose their teeth.
  • There are many more consequences if you continue to smoke.

Talk to your doctor about quitting.

Blood Pressure Checks and Maintenance

At least one-quarter of adults have high blood pressure. Could you be one of them? High blood pressure increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke, but there are things you can do to lower your blood pressure.

Reducing your blood pressure can make a big difference to your health and help prevent development of stroke or heart disease.

It is very important to know what your blood pressure is. It is one of those measurements which acts as an indicator of what is going on in the body. It is a simple painless procedure. So why not make an appointment today.

For more info, go to;

Wound Management

Wounds can heal by a traditional method of healing where the wound is allowed to dry out or by moist wound healing which uses wound fluid to assist healing. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional when trying to heal wounds.

For more info, go to;

Wound Management

Travel Health Advice

The excitement, the challenge and the novelty involved in tackling a holiday makes the experience irresistible. But with that experience may also come some health risks. For peace of mind see your Doctor to assist you and to avoid or minimize health risks. We can give you advice on immunisations, give you malaria advice and advice on strategies to prevent insect-borne disease.

Medical Monitors & Equipment

Spirometry is used to measure the volume of air that is inhaled and exhaled from the lungs. This test is particularly helpful in the diagnosis of asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), pulmonary fibrosis and other lung conditions. The test is non invasive and takes about 25 minutes.

ECG (electrocardiograph) measures and records the electrical activity of the heart. With each heartbeat, the heart emits a series of electrical discharge spikes that can be recorded using electrodes on the surface of the body. The shape and pattern of the spikes can assist in diagnosing a wide range of heart problems such as; muscle defect; enlargement of the heart; congenital defects; heart valve disease; arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms); tachycardia or bradycardia (heart rate too fast or too slow); ectopic heartbeat; coronary artery disease; inflammation of the heart (myocarditis); inflammation around the heart (pericarditis); changes in the amount of electrolytes (chemicals in the blood); and myocardial infarction (heart attack), past or present.

ABI DOPPLER (ankle brachial index) is an efficient tool for objectively documenting the presence of lower-extremity peripheral arterial disease(PAD. It is a simple, reproducible, and cost-effective assessment that can be used to detect lower-extremity arterial stenosis in the primary care setting, as well as to identify patients at increased risk for lower-extremity arterial injury after penetrating or blunt trauma.

Men’s Health

Men’s Health

Prostate Checks, Sexual Problems

Our doctor’s can give advice on the differences in levels of sexual desire, loss of sexual desire, painful intercourse, inability to achieve orgasm, erection difficulties or sexual functioning that has been affected by chronic illness, surgery, disability, the ageing process, child sexual abuse, or general issues about sexuality.


Snoring occurs when the muscles of the airway relax too much during sleep and vibrate (creating noise) when air we breathe passes in and out. Most people will snore at some time, however loud or chronic snoring can disrupt sleep quality and disturb others. Particularly when loud, it is often associated with other sleep-related breathing disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).

For more info, watch this video;

Pain Management

Pain Management

Pain can be very difficult to manage and can cause distress in patients. Pain is a very common condition. Around one third of Australians are in pain, with one in five reporting that their pain is constant. The occurrence of pain rises as people get older, and women are more likely to be in pain than men. Pain management strategies include pain-relieving medications, physical or occupational therapy, and complementary therapies (such as acupuncture and massage).

See your doctor for assistance in understanding and coping with your pain.

Women’s Health

Pregnancy Care, Contraception, HRT, Pap Smears, Menopause & Immunisations

Our aim is to improve women’s health and safety, advise on pregnancies, contraception options and advance the right and ability of individuals and families to make informed and responsible choices. We offer shared ante-natal care with the Gold Coast Hospital as well as referrals for fully private ante-natal care to your preferred obstetrician.

We do Implanon removal and insertion – this service is not bulk-billed. 

HRT (hormone replacement therapy) can help alleviate the debilitating effects of menopause, talk to your doctor about HRT.

Pap-smears are the best form of early detection for cervical cancer. About 734 Australian women, or about seven women in every 100,000, are newly diagnosed with cervical cancer each year. Cervical cancer accounts for approximately 1.7 per cent of all cancers in Australian women.

Since the introduction of the National Cervical Screening Program in 1991, the number of new cases of cervical cancer for women of all ages almost halved to the year 2005, and mortality also halved from 1991 to 2006. 

Regular breast checks are a very important tool for early detection of breast cancer. Ask your doctor to show you how to do a thorough breast check yourself each month. If you are 40 years or older you are entitled to a free mammogram every 2 years at BreastScreen Australia. Call 13 20 50 to arrange an appointment at your nearest BreastScreen facility.

If you find a lump in your breast or are worried about an abnormality you should contact your doctor immediately.

Between 1994 and 2010, the age-standardised mortality rate for breast cancer in women decreased by 30 per cent (from 30.8 deaths per 100,000 women in 1994 to 21.6 deaths per 100,000 women in 2010). 

CHILD IMMUNISATION is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting your family against harmful diseases that can cause serious health problems and sometimes death. Immunisation will help you stay healthy. If you are unsure where you are up to or you have missed a vaccination, it’s easy to catch up—just ask your doctor. There are recommended guidelines published online.

Elderly Health Assessments

Elderly Health Assessments

Help, support and care are available to older people through community care organisations, hospitals and residential facilities. Many community care groups provide in-home care.In cases where in-home care is not possible, alternatives are available.

Your doctor can provide information and arrange services.

Aged Care Assessment

Aged Care Assessment Teams determine the best care options including rehabilitation, community care or residential care (including nursing homes).

You will need an ACAT assessment and approval if you have complex aged care needs and want to:

You will need a Home Support Assessment if you have entry level aged care needs and want to access services through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme, such as meals or transport.